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Liliana Bakayoko is the exclusive International Business Lawyer representing France at Global Law Experts (GLE).

GLE provides high-level services to clients around the world. The organization brings together an extensive network of highly qualified and experienced lawyers to meet clients' needs in different countries.

Liliana Bakayoko is a member of the Association of European Attorneys - International Lawyers Network (AEA).

The AEA was established in 2004. Since its foundation, it has expanded from Europe to worldwide.

The organization applies a strict membership selection process to ensure high-quality legal services based on elevated ethical and moral values.

It assembles 815 law firms from 151 countries.

Liliana Bakayoko is the exclusive representative of France for international business law with Leaders in Law. 

This globally recognized international network brings together experienced and highly qualified lawyers and experts, rigorously selected for their professional qualities, working in over 140 different countries.

Liliana Bakayoko is the exclusive representative of France for international business law with Advisory Excellence. 

This international network brings together established lawyers from 110 different countries, rigorously selected for their professional qualities, with the aim of ensuring maximum client satisfaction worldwide.

Liliana Bakayoko is the exclusive representative of France for business law with The Lawyer Network. 

This international network aims to bring together "the most competent lawyers from around the world."

Liliana Bakayoko is a member of Justinian Lawyers.

Justinian Lawyers is an international network of independent law firms representing over 80 countries.

It aims to provide full legal service internationally while offering the best integral client support and personalized attention possible.

Liliana Bakayoko is a member of the American Bar Association (ABA). 

Founded in 1878, the ABA is committed to promoting the rule of law in the United States and globally, advocating for freedom and justice.

Une excellente maîtrise

Une excellente maîtrise aussi bien du droit français que du droit bulgare et du droit international privé, dans les domaines du droit des affaires, du droit des sociétés, du droit des contrats, du droit fiscal, du droit de la concurrence, du droit de la propriété intellectuelle, du droit du travail, du droit de la consommation, du droit processuel, etc. 

Une expérience de qualité

Une expérience de qualité, aussi bien dans le domaine de la théorie que dans celui de la pratique du droit.

Un esprit d’innovation

Un esprit d’innovation, de combativité et de dynamisme.

Un sens de l’écoute et de la communication

Un sens de l’écoute et de la communication, assurant un contact humain avec le client, dans un cadre de compréhension, de bienveillance et d’attention envers ses besoins concrets, aux fins d’adaptation personnalisée de l’intervention juridique.

Que ce fut dans le cadre de l’exercice de l’activité de conseil ou dans celui de l’exercice de l’activité de représentation et de défense, le cabinet d’avocats de Liliana Bakayoko assiste ses clients de manière à leur permettre de trouver des solutions juridiques optimisées, en vue d’une vie meilleure.